
  • Make raising chickens easier, what you need to know

    Make raising chickens easier, what you need to know

    Brooding stage 1. Temperature: After the chicks are out of their shells and bought back, the temperature should be controlled within 34-35°C in the first week, and drop by 2°C every week from the second week until the dewarming stops in the sixth week. Most chickens can be heated in a brooding ro...
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  • Differences between Battery Cage System and Free-range System

    Differences between Battery Cage System and Free-range System

    The battery cage system is far better for the following reasons: Space Maximization In Battery Cage System, One cage holds from 96, 128, 180 or 240 birds depending with the preferred choice. The cages dimension for 128 birds when assembled is length 187...
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  • How can i start chicken poultry farm?

    How can i start chicken poultry farm?

    How to start a poultry farm? Do you worry about it when you plan to start a breeding farm business? Whether it is meat production, egg production or combination of both, you have to know the principles of operating a profitable poultry farming business. If not, unexpecte...
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  • How to improve the survival rate of brooding?

    How to improve the survival rate of brooding?

    Strict Disinfection Prepare the brooding room before the chicks come. Rinse the trough drinker thoroughly with clean water, then scrub with hot alkaline water, rinse with clean water, and dry. Rinse the brooding room with clean water, lay the bedding after dry...
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